Renée Murden

Renée was born on Mar 17th, 2000, and raised in Australia. Renée Murden the Australian model who is best known for her popular Instagram featuring lifestyle, fashion, and more modeling content. She has worked as a model for print and commercial campaigns since she was 16 years old.

She has earned over 143,000 followers to her well known Instagram page. She has said the koala is her favorite type of animal. She has modeled in multiple continents.

Renée Murden’s birth sign is Pisces and currently lives in Los Angeles. Food makes her absolutely happy, so she likes sushi and so many different cuisines from around the world.

Models and influencers like Enjy Kiwan and Kristina Levina or ur Babygirl follow Renée and like her photos and videos on Instagram.

The first one Renée wants to see after the quarantine is the hairstylist LA DREA.

Renée is a big advocate for political causes such as Yemen situation, she posted on June 24th, 2020 a post about Yemen and the children there, this is what she said: “Yemen is suffering from the largest humanitarian crisis in the world with a child dying every 10 minutes and 80% of the population in need of humanitarian assistance. They are currently fighting an epidemic, pandemic, war and famine at the same time. Yemen needs help and we must show support and spread awareness in anyway we can. Please take some time from your day to educate yourself on what’s going on. Every effort counts.”

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